Reasons a Taxi Service is Better Than a Personal Vehicle
Taxi drivers are always on time, never turn left to go right and vice versa, and never make mistakes. Plus they're highly trained professionals with a wealth of information about the city at their fingertips. If that weren't enough to convince you, just take a look at these other reasons why Chandigarh to Manali Taxi Service is better than personal vehicles; you'll be confident that there's no need for a car in the big city!
1. It's not as expensive as owning one's car
2. Vacation time spent stuck in traffic is replaced by travel time
3. You can put up with a little abuse from a taxi driver, after all, it's their car too
4. A taxi isn't a place to worry about losing your CDs or getting hot coffee spilled on your new leather seats
5. No more worrying about fuel costs and the price of gas!
6. There are no parking hassles either!
7. A taxi is also a great way to get around if you don't know your way around!
8. Taxi cab drivers always know where the best and most economical places to eat are located
9. Taxi drivers always have insider information on great parties going on in town, plus information on bottle clubs, sports bars, and great restaurants within a couple of blocks of most hotels
10. No worries about car maintenance or taking the car into the shop for servicing
11. A taxi is statistically safer than a personal vehicle
12. More importantly, you can't be picky about the taxi you take!
13. In the rare event that you meet a "bad" taxi driver, he or she won't remember where they took you any more than a movie producer would know what film was made from which movie! (Unless it was his, of course)
14. You just never have to worry about having your car valeted and waiting for it to be detailed!
15. You can take a taxi to and from the airport; it's not that difficult
16. No more having to fight traffic on the way home after a long day at work!!!
17. You can always be sure to find a taxi at any time of the day or night!
18. It's not as expensive as driving your car while you're in it! (Gas, oil changes, license renewals, etc.)
19. And what about that emergency where you need to get home but the taxi won't start or you're too drunk to drive???
20. You can always be sure of always having a good conversation with a taxi driver!
21. The taxi driver is always happy to pick you up even if it's raining and there's snow on the ground at two in the morning!
22. You never have to worry about your friend making a pass at the taxi driver when you take her home!
23. You can always find a taxi during Christmas, New Year's Eve, and Easter Sunday!
24. You never have to worry about your dog or cat climbing into your lap when you're driving!
25. Or worse yet, having to pick it up from the local emergency vet because he was hit by a car while you were driving it!!
26. Also, you don't have to worry about getting a speeding ticket!
27. Where else can you go for a night on the town at 10:00 p.m. without having to worry about getting caught breaking curfew?
28. And if it's New Year's Eve, where else can you go for a night on the town at midnight without having to worry about your drunk friend getting into trouble with the police?
29. Taxi drivers don't mind waiting outside a bar for you, even if it closes at the last call!
30. Taxi drivers don't mind dropping you off at your parent's house because you're too blitzed to drive home!
31. Taxi drivers don't get upset if you make them wait for fifteen minutes when you're running late as your parents do!!!
32. Or if you ever want to surprise them with a visit, just take a taxi there!
33. No more worries about getting stranded on a desert highway when your car breaks down!
34. No more hassles about towing your car because when it does break down, you only need an operating telephone!
35. And if you can't get your car started in the morning, just take a taxi to work!!!
36. If you want to drive to the airport, it's always cheaper to take a taxi than be forced into paying for parking!!
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